
Electronic Media Issues

Any family law attorney at Woodruff Family Law Group, here in Guilford County, will tell you that electronic media issues have become a huge issue in family law. As the popularity of social media sites has exploded, the potential for problems to arise from their usage has as well. These issues most commonly arise with Facebook 和 电子邮件s, although other electronic media, 比如发短信, can be a source of concern as well.

更多的 和 more people are posting more 和 more of their life online for the world to view. What many people do not realize is that once you put something on the internet, there is no way to truly ever remove it. 因此, you need to be very cautious about what you are putting online, especially if you are dealing with any type of contentious issue, such as marital fault, 孩子的抚养费, 孩子的监护权, 或皇冠足彩. 例如, posting a picture of your child with a beer bottle inadvertently in the background could hurt you in a contested custody case.

Demonstrating the importance of this issue, the North Carolina State Bar has instructed attorneys to advise their clients to avoid posting anything about their case on Facebook. Avoiding making any post regarding your case is a good rule of thumb that is easy to underst和, even if sometimes it is difficult to comply with. At the end of a long day, following many arguments with your estranged spouse, you may feel the need to post on Facebook or Twitter venting your frustrations with the whole situation. 然而, such a post can come back to bite you 和 that same estranged spouse may try to use it against you.

The same rule applies regarding 短信s 和 电子邮件s. Sending an angry 电子邮件 or 短信 to your estranged spouse is a mistake. Any such threatening communication can l和 you in a world of trouble, possibly making you subject to a domestic violence protective order depending on the content of the communication. A threatening text, even if sent jokingly, can be taken very seriously by a judge. To avoid the potential issue altogether, stick to being polite 和 cordial to your estranged spouse, even if they are pushing all of your buttons.

Dealing with a divorce or 孩子的监护权 battle is difficult enough as it is, there is no reason to make it more difficult on yourself. Sending a text or 电子邮件, or posting on a social media site can throw up additional obstacles to accomplishing your end goal, whether it be a peaceful divorce, or a quick resolution to 孩子的抚养费 or 孩子的监护权. You do not want to provide any type of leverage to your estranged spouse that can be used against you later.

The prevalence of electronic media in today’s society makes it very difficult to refrain from making any type of objectionable post, 电子邮件, 或文本. 然而, 这样做, while difficult in the short term, will pay off in the long term by making the whole process a lot easier 和 smoother. The short term satisfaction of that negative post on Facebook will be outweighed by its long term consequences for your case.