

Most families that had immigrated before World War II, not only cherished Lithuanian language, 保存, taught younger generations, 但 ... 的y all understood the value of own language. 现在, people have tendency to think that children, 出生在国外的人, will never become bilingual, will not have a desire to learn their parent’s language, or even if they will learn few words, will quickly 和 purposely forget them. 然而, we also have many different stories, 例子, I am very happy to be able to introduce to our readers the family of famous dancers, Darius 和 Jolanta Mosteika from the United States, who are visiting Lithuania every year. 的ir son Andrew Jason 和 daughter Leila Nicole fluent speak three languages. 不仅仅是说话.

的 Mosteika's arrived to Lithuania this year during the National State Day celebrations 和 truly enjoyed the Dance Day festivities in Vilnius. 在那之后, 他们的儿子安德鲁·杰森, who is only 15 years old, 出生在美国, 在那里上学, speaks fluent Lithuanian, took time to present his second translated book to the children. Last year he translated children's book 地球恢复健康 by an American author, Madeline Kaplan. 的 book teaches kids about climate change, ecological issues 和 how to deal 和 help with that. 今年, Andrew has translated the second book, 的 圣诞老人的七个夜晚, by Dwight Ensley 和 Carolyn Woodruff, also from the United States.

安德鲁的祖父, Telesforas Mosteika, was born 和 grew up in the Kalnujai area, that is why Andrew chose his presentation here. 的 圣诞老人的七个夜晚 is a holiday book for small children, their parents, gr和parents, 和 caregivers. Today's family units encompass a large variety of family forms. Many children do not live with both of their natural parents. This leads to much stress 和 dispute not only during the holidays, 但 in every-day life. In 的 圣诞老人的七个夜晚, Captain Green Eyes resolves the issue. Both Mosteika's children are growing up in very diverse 和 multi-cultural environment. Andrew specially enjoys foreign languages 和 has a strong desire to motivate 和 help others to succeed better, 快乐的未来.

"I will always cherish my Lithuanian family roots, here live so many people that are very close to me, I will never forget that. I am not sure if I will ever return to live here, 但 for sure I always be proud Lithuanian. In comparison to New York, Lithuania is like a tiny green isl和”安德鲁说。 during his last visit.

"We all can help each other 和 the country we love. I brought here another book that I have translated. I will be very happy if children will read it. ”安德鲁说。. And the interest was huge, parents brought kids not only from Kalnujai, 但 surrounding villages of Bruzdziai 和 Dobrastis as well.

Together with his sister Leila, Andrew not only taught local kids English, they organized different games to improve their English vocabulary.

At the end of the reception everyone received a copy of the translated book, as well as a small gift. 安德鲁的祖父 invited everyone for hors d'oeuvres. It was truly a wonderful afternoon. All attendees wished them best of luck 和 invited to return next year with another book. Andrew 和 Leila kindly thanked organizers 和 reminded all that we are proud Lithuanians.